Sunday, February 04, 2007

Tolden Michael is here!!!

Jan. 31, 2007
9:50 a.m.
9 lbs. 1 oz.

We have waited so long to see this boy! Isabelle is the best big sister! She has been a big help feeding him, rocking him, and singing to him. I couldn't imagine being able to love two kids because Isabelle has been the love of my life, but it's amazingly easy to let another one in! We have two great kids with lots of love to give!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

So I've decided to come back to blogger and be much better about posting. Let's see...what's been happening? Isabelle is maturing into a very funny 3 year old who has the same humor as her daddy. She can count to 20, knows her shapes, her colors, and can speak some Spanish. She (along with the rest of us) is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her baby brother due any day now. I've been on bed rest for almost 4 weeks! Luckily I work for a great company that allows me to do this with no worries. I keep thinking of all the great books I could be catching up on but instead find myself addicted to daytime TV. It could be damaging my brain cells slowly but how would I know the difference if that is the case? I was watching Maury the other day (the guy that used to have good shows that are now trash). Maury has one show that runs everyday called "Who's your baby's Daddy?" I am so fortunate I don't have to have 9 men tested to discover that. The next day I saw on the news that often babies look like their dads when the come out just to prove paternity. Interesting. Two words: birth control. Well, let's leave it at that for tonight.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


I was in a plane and it crashed on a desert island. That's my excuse for being absent. So if any of you ever come here looking for updates I apologize for past abandonment. So new news in the Christus household due in February is a BOY! We bought a new house in Gladstone just North of Kansas City. And we have a new little addition to our family, a kitty cat that Isabelle has named Mermaid. Mermaid is a very good kitty. She lets Isabelle haul her around, put in her cabinets, cover her with blankets. All the activities little girls love to have kitties for. Nick is still working from home (so he says!) I still think he has cocktail parties during the day when we are gone. I still work in Westport and traffic for lack of a better word sucks. We happened to move when they decided to start work on the highway. We are looking for pre-school up here for Isabelle because I won't be at Westport forever. I am wanting to transfer after my maternity leave. So if we haven't heard from you in awhile let us know how you are doing!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

So here I am again....

Oh,what have we missed in more than a month? Let's see. The pregnancy is going well so far. I am twelve weeks along and Isabelle is certain it is a girl. More than certain really, she refuses to acknowledge that it COULD be a boy. Time will tell. We have found a house in North Kansas City and are in the process of buying. If you have never bought a house, whew. Too much. Nick might as well make it a full time job trying to get everything straight. We went to Florida and visited my grandpa and his wife making time to go to Disney World, the happiest place on earth. I have never seen more people sweating together in one place in all my life. Well, I will update later. Here are some pic's of Isabelle's happiest day ever.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Disney World

Tonight Isabelle was getting ready to watch Tarzan and came running into the kitchen at full speed to get Nick.

"Daddy, daddy, come here. Now. "

"What is it Isabelle?"

The previews to Tarzan had an advertisement to Disney World (land) I still don't know which b/c I never got to go (no bad feelings dad!) .

"Daddy, I want to go there!!!"

"You do?"

"Yeah, and I can even hold Mickey Mouses hand!"

Nothing is better than seeing that kind of joy! Now if anyone would like to donate money for us to go, we'll take it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


For those of you who dont' know, last summer we had a miscarriage. During that time we found out that I have a genetic disorder caller Factor 5 Leiden Mutation. It causes my blood to clot during pregnancy which is what caused me to have Pre-eclampsia with Isabelle and to miscarry last summer. So for this pregnancy we get to inject (yes using a needle) the drug Heparin into my legs and belly 2x a day from now until delivery. Tonight was my first dose and Nick got to do the stabbing. First reaction: Ow. Second reaction: OW. Third reaction: ooohh Owww...okay not so bad.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

We have a Bun in the Oven!

Sarah: So when can we have another baby?

Nick: When we have a house and are more financially secure (typical).

Sarah: Well then I guess we'll never have another baby! (typical).

Nick: Sarah (sighs), I just think we should wait until the end of the year.

Sarah: (silent treatment)

2 weeks later:

Sarah: Hey Isabelle, go take this stick to daddy.

Nick: (looking at the home pregnancy test) No way! (half excited)

Sarah: (sheepish)

Nick: Are you serious?

Sarah: Isabelle, do you know what this mean? You are going to be a big sister!

Isabelle: I'm a big sister. I have a little sister?

Nick and Sarah: Yep!

Isabelle: I want to name baby sister Alice.

Nick and Sarah: maybe

The end